Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Freelancing (again) and Fire

Well it finally happened. I was mundanely checking my e-mail account, not expecting to find anything other than spam, when I came across it. My eyes widened, I nervously clicked on the message. Then it happened..........I got my first freelancing job!!!

It's nothing major, mind you, but like I said in a previous post, once you get your foot in the door getting freelancing opportunities becomes much easier. Not that I'm going to stop steadfastly applying for all of the freelancing jobs that might hire me on. Slow and steady wins the race. It may take time with things like freelancing, but if you keep at it eventually you will get somewhere. You just can't get discouraged.

Now, onto a completely different subject.

Since the recent heatwave my area has been in, I've made it a point to keep any unnecessary ventures out of my home to a minimum. At least until late evening, because if you don't, you die. You would just spontaneously combust after 3.5 minutes outside. Poof. So, because I am thoroughly enjoying life at the moment, I decided to wait until late evening to go out for a walk. I walked out the door, quietly singing to myself, and almost choked. At first glance it looked like I was standing in the middle of a cloud. A very bad-smelling and dark cloud. Although it didn't take my aching lungs long to realize that I was standing in dense smoke. Now, this was not you little "a bonfire got out of hand" or "someone burnt all of the burgers on the grill" smoke. No, this was "run for cover, oh my eyes" and "should I be calling the fire department, the police, Smokey Bear, anyone?!" smoke. Needless to say my anticipated walk didn't happen. Once I got over my shock at seeing my neighborhood looking like the inside of a chimney, I retreated back indoors like the wimp I am.

Apparently there had been some forest fire nearby (once again, call Smokey) probably caused by this killer heat wave we're having. It had better be caused by that. I swear if it was some brat playing with fire, I will hunt them down and.......do nothing anyone can prove. Luckily we're expecting heavy rain tonight, so by tomorrow the smoke, fires, and heat wave should be gone. YaaY!

~If there is any specific topic you want me to write about, send me an e-mail at BriarBlack@hotmail.com~


Jeff and Ashleigh said...

Congrats on your first freelance! I've toyed with that idea, but haven't taken the time to fill out all my info to get started.

Fire, huh? That sounds scary. I'm lucky enough not to have been truly endangered by a wildfire, or even man-made stupidity fire. But they are always serious and scary to me. Pray for rain!

dreamwalker said...

Enjoy the world of freelance!