At least that's the conclusion I've come to with my computer, in any case. I'll be sitting there typing away at my Sunaku (My computer's name. Don't ask.) and she will have been working perfectly all day long. Not a peep out of her. Not a glitch or a slow load. Then all of a sudden BAM!! She freezes without warning. Just as I'm going to hit the save button. Then she beeps at me with her mocking laughter beep. Or she will wait until I'm just about to do something online that I'm really excited about and looking forward to and she starts to move incredibly s-l-o-w and whirs at me as she does so.
The only reason she does these things is because she knows she can do it and get away with it. I am.....errr......slightly dependent on my computer, and I can't afford to buy a new one, so throwing her out of the window is not an option. Not that I haven't thought about it anyways.
Now, I know you're tempted to claim "It's just a computer, it's not doing anything on purpose, you're just being paranoid", but don't let them fool you. They are smarter and much more devious than you can possibly imagine. Here is a warning for computer lovers everywhere: You may love your computer, but your computer is just waiting for a time when they can take you down. It's a conspiracy. I just know it, and deep down, you do too.
~If there is any specific topic you would like me to write about, send me an e-mail at