Friday, June 6, 2008

When Anime wasn't cool.

There is a country song titled "I was country, when country wasn't cool", well, at times I feel like I should rename it "I was anime, when anime wasn't cool." Yes, I admit it. I enjoy watching anime and reading manga, although my obsession has waned in recent years. I just don't have the time for it I used to, or the money. However, in years past, starting when I was around eleven, I was completely obsessed with anime.

I was that dorky kid that got laughed at for pulling out an Inuyasha manga after finishing my work in class, and heaven forbid that you join the anime club. The anime club was minuscule, maybe ten people showed up meetings. Maybe. Then they were mocked for it. Face it folks, anime was not popular. It was not even really socially accepted. I remember my mother asking my why I liked "those witchcraft promoting shows", and my non-anime loving friends rolling their eyes every time I mentioned it.

Now, anime is taking off like wildfire!! Just go to any movie store and you will find that their anime selection is huge, and quite frequently, in large bookstores the anime section is larger than the youth fiction! Talk about a one-eighty turnaround. It's quite common to see people reading manga, and the anime clubs are ridiculously large, and don't even get me started on the cons. When there is a con in town anime lovers come flooding out of the wood work. Quite honestly I don't know where there hiding the rest of the time. Probably under rocks somewhere.

Yep guys, anime has become a popular thing to be interested in. Kinda scary, huh?

~If there is a specif topic you would like me to write about, send me an e-mail at


Baltar said...

manga is not something I have ever got into. my mate at uni kept going on about something like Ghost warrior or something like that. I cant remember the name exactly.

I do like the blog - love the template. very nice.

Creative writing is an interesting subject for a blogger. This should be an interesting site. I am going to link it to my site.... looking forward to reading in the near future

My site is called 100 ways to clear your Debts.

check it!

cheers from bonnie scotland

Jeff and Ashleigh said...

Can't say I've ever been into anime... or that I'm really completely sure what it is. But it seems there's always someone who "did it first" when it comes to pop culture. For instance, in the 90's, I really loved sparkly or sequin accented clothing, but it was terribly hard to find and no one else liked it much. Now you practically can't find anything without it!

So, I have a topic for you: music. As in, the kind people choose to blare from their poor, overamplified car speakers for innocent, unsuspecting bystanders to be bombarded by. What kinds do you hear, and which ones do or don't bother you and why? (this is Ashleigh, by the way. From Ashleigh's Impressions blog - I have another one)